Will Self’s Junk Mail

I realized that I have many books that I never finished - or even started. If I could get the audio-book I would be free to lend. But most of the books I want to leave at little lending libraries will never be recorded. Many of these books might be lent before I even read them myself.
I did find Junk Mail by Will Self on Audible. I had no idea what this book was or why I had it. Did I buy it at St Marks? Was it a gift? Maybe I thought Self was like British Lucy Sante? I quickly downloaded and started listening.
Its a collection of mostly 90’s non-fiction. Pre 9/11. Before cell-phones and social media. Before junk mail meant spam.

Within an hour Self mentions both global pandemics and nuclear war twice. Between that and some quotes in an interview with JG Ballard I felt as if I was on the right track. Self even mentions Abdullah Öcalan, whose trilogy is calling to me from AKPress.
My little project of dredging up all these books and trying to circulate them might have value. Even if I loose the chance to read some of them, others might. But now I am motivated to find some newer ideas, more recent lit. and hear from more diverse voices.
The original intent of this project was to get my books into other people’s hands and minds.
But if I end up reading older or getting newer books then that is probably good enough.




Little Libraries